Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Encyclopedia Magica: Seafaring Anchor

Seafaring Anchor

Wondrous Item, Common

Aura: Faint Transmutation

This anchor is attached to a short cable. When affixed to a seafaring vessel and cast overboard, the cable magically lengthens until the anchor reaches the seafloor, and shrinks when retracted. The maximum length the cable can reach is 1 mile.

One more magic item from the 2e Encyclopedia Magica converted to 5e. This one is a fairly simple common item, essentially just a regular anchor with no need to allocate storage to extra length of chain- but hey, a little magic here and there is great for flavor.

Monday, June 26, 2023

Man Anchor

Man Anchor
Wondrous Item, Very Rare (requires attunement)
Aura: Strong Transmutation

When you speak the command word, this anchor comes to life for 1 hour, as though the animate objects spell had targeted it. The anchor follows any verbal commands you give it during this duration.

Once you have used this property, it can’t be used again until the next dawn.

One of many items from my conversion of the old 2e Encyclopedia Magica into 5e-compatible content with my Artifacts of Antiquity collection. For a master list of all items currently converted, please check out this page.

Friday, June 23, 2023

Hold Fast Anchor

Hold Fast Anchor
Wondrous Item, Uncommon
Aura: Minor Transmutation

This magical anchor is fashioned from silver and iron. When a command word is spoken and the anchor is thrown overboard, it magically imbeds itself into the sea floor, holding any vessel it is attached to steady against even the worst storms. The rope between the anchor and the ship has a maximum length of 300 feet and turns invisible while it is active. You can use an action to command the anchor to release its hold.

One of many items from my conversion of the old 2e Encyclopedia Magica into 5e-compatible content with my Artifacts of Antiquity collection. For a master list of all items currently converted, please check out this page.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Fishing Anchor

Fishing Anchor
Wondrous Item, Rare
Aura: Moderate Enchantment and Transmutation

This anchor is attached to a short cable. When affixed to a seafaring vessel and cast overboard, the cable magically lengthens until the anchor reaches the seafloor, and shrinks when retracted. The maximum length the cable can reach is 1 mile.

Lure Sea Monster. When cast overboard, you can speak a command word. If you do, the cable lengthens to 100 feet below the vessel. Once in position, it begins to emit a magical pulse up to a range of 1 mile, which attracts any nearby aquatic Beasts with an Intelligence of 3 or less that are at least as large as the vessel the anchor is attached to. Once one of these Beasts is close enough, it swallows the anchor. For the next hour, the Beast is enchanted, and anyone touching the anchor can direct the Beast to tow the vessel in any direction they choose. At the end of the duration, the Beast spits out the anchor and is no longer enchanted. Once you have used this property, it can’t be used again until the next dawn.

One of many items from my conversion of the old 2e Encyclopedia Magica into 5e-compatible content with my Artifacts of Antiquity collection. For a master list of all items currently converted, please check out this page.

Monday, June 19, 2023

Aerial Anchor

Aerial Anchor
Wondrous Item, Uncommon
Aura: Minor Transmutation

This 3-inch-long miniature golden anchor  is attached to a silver thread. When the string is tied to a creature or vehicle and dropped while speaking a command word, that creature or vehicle stops all movement and stays steady at that point until the command word is spoken again.

One of many items from my conversion of the old 2e Encyclopedia Magica into 5e-compatible content with my Artifacts of Antiquity collection. For a master list of all items currently converted, please check out this page.

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Amulet of Weakening

Amulet of Weakening
Wondrous Item, Rare (requires attunement)
Aura: Moderate Enchantment

This amulet projects an aura that makes all foes feel weak and ineffective. The effect is stronger the closer a creature is to you. While you wear it, each hostile creature within a 30-foot-radius sphere centered on you has disadvantage on Strength checks. Each hostile creature within a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on you also has disadvantage on Strength saving throws. Each hostile creature within a 10-foot-radius sphere centered on you has disadvantage on Strength-based attack rolls.

One of many items from my conversion of the old 2e Encyclopedia Magica into 5e-compatible content with my Artifacts of Antiquity collection. For a master list of all items currently converted, please check out this page.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Vulture Amulet

Vulture Amulet
Wondrous Item, Uncommon
Aura: Minor Necromancy

These amulets are created to give protection to the dead and are often placed upon a body as part of funeral services. When the amulet is placed on a dead body, that body cannot become undead so long as the amulet remains in place.

One of many items from my conversion of the old 2e Encyclopedia Magica into 5e-compatible content with my Artifacts of Antiquity collection. For a master list of all items currently converted, please check out this page.