Wednesday, January 25, 2023


Wondrous Item, Very Rare (Requires Attunement) 
Aura: Strong Transmutation

This device, looking like a cross between a gigantic sextant and a cannon,  is a rapid-fire weapon designed for use on spelljamming craft. The Accelerator only functions so long as it is installed on a ship that also has a spelljamming helm installed, though anyone can attune to and operate the Accelerator.

The Accelerator’s main arm is a hollow tube with a hand-sized cup at one end. Any creature or item that is Large sized or smaller that comes into contact with the cup while the Accelerator is actively in use is magically seized and launched out the other end towards whatever the operator is aiming at. It takes 1 action to load the Accelerator and 1 action to aim and fire it. Damage from the Accelerator ignores the Damage Threshold property of objects it hits.

 Accelerator. Ranged Weapon Attack:  +8 to hit, range 750/3000 ft., one target. Hit: Both the target and the creature or object launched take force damage depending on the size of the creature or object launched by the Accelerator, shown on the table below:


Force Damage









One of many items from my conversion of the old 2e Encyclopedia Magica into 5e-compatible content with my Artifacts of Antiquity collection. For a master list of all items currently converted, please check out this page.

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