Thursday, March 23, 2023

Furyondy’s Amulet

Furyondy’s Amulet
Wondrous Item, Rare (requires attunement)
Aura: Moderate Abjuration

This amulet was created to protect its wearer and ward off evil magic. The amulet has three charges, and regains 1d3 charges daily at dawn. So long as you are wearing the amulet, you can expend one charge to cast remove curse, targeting yourself. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the amulet loses its properties and becomes a nonmagical amulet.

One of many items from my conversion of the old 2e Encyclopedia Magica into 5e-compatible content with my Artifacts of Antiquity collection. For a master list of all items currently converted, please check out this page.

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