Monday, March 27, 2023

Encyclopedia Magica: Greenstone Amulet

Greenstone Amulet

Wondrous Item, Legendary (requires attunement)

Aura: Very Strong Abjuration

These rare, fist-sized green stones are made by a forgotten magical process to confer powerful protections. The amulet has 10 charges and glows with a bright green light so long as any charges remain. Whenever you are targeted or included in the area of effect of a Divination or Enchantment spell, that spell fails and has no effect if its level is equal to or less than the number of charges remaining in the amulet. When the amulet causes a spell to fail, a number of charges are expended equal to the level of the spell.

So long as the amulet has at least 1 charge remaining, creatures cannot sense your emotions, read your thoughts or communicate with you telepathically, and you are immune to psychic damage.

The amulet regains 1d6 charges each day at dawn.

One more magic item from the 2e Encyclopedia Magica converted to 5e. This one is a bit more powerful than many of the others, to the point of giving you a limited sort of immunity to entire schools of magic, so long as it still has charges left. It makes no distinction between friend and foe, so make sure if you have someone who likes to drop buffs that they check their schools first.

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