Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Encyclopedia Magica: Amulet of Weakening


Amulet of Weakening

Wondrous Item, Rare (requires attunement)

Aura: Moderate Enchantment

This amulet projects an aura that makes all foes feel weak and ineffective. The effect is stronger the closer a creature is to you. While you wear it, each hostile creature within a 30-foot-radius sphere centered on you has disadvantage on Strength checks. Each hostile creature within a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on you also has disadvantage on Strength saving throws. Each hostile creature within a 10-foot-radius sphere centered on you has disadvantage on Strength-based attack rolls.

One more item converted from the 2e Encyclopedia Magica into 5e. Big 'ol aura that gets stronger the closer you are to things for when you wanna just charge right on into melee combat with the strongest looking baddies.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Encyclopedia Magica: Vulture Amulet


Vulture Amulet

Wondrous Item, Uncommon

Aura: Minor Necromancy

These amulets are created to give protection to the dead and are often placed upon a body as part of funeral services. When the amulet is placed on a dead body, that body cannot become undead so long as the amulet remains in place.

One more magic item converted from the 2e Encyclopedia Magica into 5e. This one is a fairly simplistic item, with a somewhat misleading name since it is used to protect dead bodies while being named after a carrion feeder, but I figure the effect is still nice to have as a sort of set-dressing item.

Encyclopedia Magica: Amulet of Vadarin


Amulet of Vadarin

Wondrous Item, Very Rare (requires attunement by a Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock or Wizard)

Aura: Strong Enchantment

This amulet was specially created to enhance psionic abilities. You know the Mind Sliver cantrip while wearing this amulet. Spells you cast using this amulet use your spell save DC.

This amulet has 10 charges. While wearing it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells: Dissonant Whispers (1 charge), Mind Spike (2 charges), Intellect Fortress (3 charges), or Synaptic Static (5 charges).

The amulet regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the amulet shatters and is destroyed.

Another item converted from the 2e Encyclopedia Magica into 5e. Here's one for the psionics out there- even if psionics aren't really their own separate system from magic anymore. Still, there are plenty of psionic-themed spells to pull from.

Friday, May 26, 2023

Encyclopedia Magica: Amulet of Undersea Friendship


Amulet of Undersea Friendship

Wondrous Item, Uncommon (requires attunement)

Aura: Minor Enchantment

This medallion was created to foster diplomatic negotiations between underwater races. While you wear this amulet, you have advantage on all Charisma checks directed at creatures that are naturally able to breathe underwater. This amulet has no effect on creatures that have been given the ability to breathe water from a spell or other magical effect.

Curse. The curse in this amulet only affects creatures that wear the amulet who are not naturally able to breathe water. So long as they wear the amulet, they see all other creatures as fish-headed humanoids and are driven into a mindless rage, attacking the nearest creature they can see.

One more item from the 2e Encyclopedia Magica converted to 5e. File this one away under "super specific campaign-dependent magic items". It seems likely only to crop up as a prop for a very particular kind of quest, or potentially as background set dressing.

Encyclopedia Magica: Amulet of Two Fingers


Amulet of Two Fingers

Wondrous Item, Uncommon (requires attunement)

Aura: Minor Transmutation

These amulets, normally made of obsidian or hematite, represent the two fingers of Horus, the god of the sky. As an action, you can command the amulet to transform into a ladder, which extends 100 feet in a direction you choose. The ladder is anchored in place, allowing it to be placed safely at any angle (even horizontally) without risk of falling. The ladder can hold up to 1,000 pounds at a time. If the ladder ever carries more weight than that, it transforms back into an amulet.

The ladder transforms back into an amulet after 1 hour or if you command it to do so as an action.

One more magic item converted from the 2e Encyclopedia Magica into 5e. So, hooray for portable ladders. Not exactly slippers of spiderclimb or boots of flying, but also probably not as much of a wrench in the gears of a DM who wants to use walls as a serious obstacle.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Encyclopedia Magica: Amulet of Transformation

Amulet of Transformation

Wondrous Item, Rare (requires attunement by a druid)

Aura: Moderate Transmutation

These amulets, carved from oak bark and hung from the neck by cords of woven mistletoe, each depict a different Beast. So long as you have at least one use of your wild shape feature remaining, transforming into the animal depicted on the amulet does not require you to expend a use of your wild shape feature. This amulet does not grant you the ability to wild shape into an animal you normally would not be able to at your level. 

If you revert to your normal form as a result of dropping to 0 hit points while using this amulet, the amulet ceases to function until the next dawn.

One more item converted from the 2e Encyclopedia Magica into 5e. This one is for all those druids out there that love their wildshapes. The intention here being that you can have a lineup of backup wildshapes for other purposes than just combat (spying, scouting, transportation, etc) and utilize them as such without having to expend resources you might need.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Encyclopedia Magica: Amulet of Timekeeping


Amulet of Timekeeping

Wondrous Item, Common 

Aura: Faint Divination 

This circular amulet is divided into six sections. When the command word is spoken, all six sections begin to glow faintly. Every ten minutes, one of the sections stops glowing, tracking exactly one hour total before the amulet stops glowing completely.

One more item converted from the old 2e Encyclopedia Magica into 5e. This one is super simple (as befits a common item), being nothing more or less than a glorified stopwatch.

Monday, May 22, 2023

Encyclopedia Magica: Thet of Ptah


Thet of Ptah

Wondrous Item, Legendary (requires attunement)

Aura: Very Strong Abjuration and Transmutation

This amulet is said to be rarely bestowed upon individuals who craft exceptionally impressive works of artifice. While wearing it, the amulet constantly projects an antimagic field, as the spell, with one exception: spells you cast with a duration of instantaneous are not affected by the field projected by the amulet. You can use an action to suppress the field for 1 minute.

So long as the field is not active, you can use the amulet to cast the etherealness spell. Once you have used this property, it can’t be used again until the next dawn.

One more magic item converted from the 2e Encyclopedia Magica into 5e. This one is a pretty fancy- what with a one-sided antimagic field. Even without the second property, it's still great for shutting down anyone even the slightest bit shiny when seen via detect magic.

Friday, May 19, 2023

Encyclopedia Magica: Amulet of the Spirit


Amulet of the Spirit

Wondrous Item, Rare (requires attunement)

Aura: Moderate Necromancy

Appearing as a small gold disk on a thin chain. While you wear this amulet you cannot be charmed, frightened or possessed, and any spell or ability that would trap, imprison or otherwise prevent your soul from being free automatically fails. 

If you die while attuned to the amulet, your soul is held in stasis within the amulet so long as it remains on your body and no other creature attunes to it. Time spent in stasis does not count against the time limit for spells such as raise dead.

One more item converted from the 2e Encyclopedia Magica into 5e. This one has a highly defensive nature, protecting against a handful of special scenarios as well as tiding your party over long enough to find some diamonds after discovering the cleric never bought any.

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Encyclopedia Magica: Amulet of Sleeplessness


Amulet of Sleeplessness

Wondrous Item, Uncommon (requires attunement)

Aura: Minor Enchantment

While wearing this amulet, you cannot fall asleep- either naturally or through magical means. In addition, you do not suffer the regular ill effects from failing to complete a long rest each day.

Curse. You cannot gain the benefits of a long rest so long as you wear the amulet. Unless you naturally do not need sleep, then for each week you go without sleep, you gain one level of exhaustion, which cannot be removed by any means until the curse is broken and you are no longer attuned to the amulet.

One more magic item converted from the 2e Encyclopedia Magica into 5e. Hooray for cursed items. This one sort of puts you on a timer- find a way to get that curse removed or die from exhaustion eventually.

Encyclopedia Magica: Amulet of Spinecastle


Amulet of Spinecastle

Wondrous Item, Rare (requires attunement)

Aura: Moderate Enchantment

This amulet was originally created to aid in a war against a tribe of northern barbarians. While wearing the amulet, you can use an action to radiate a magical burst in a 30-foot radius sphere centered on you. Each creature of your choice in the area must make a Wisdom saving throw or be affected by the burst based on their challenge rating (or their level, if they do not have a challenge rating). An affected creature with a challenge rating of 4 or less is frightened of you for 1 minute or until it takes any damage, and must use its turns trying to move as far away from you as it can. If there’s nowhere to move, it can only use the dodge action. An affected creature with a challenge rating of 5-7 is stunned until the end of your next turn. An affected creature  with a challenge rating of 8 or higher has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks until the end of your next turn.

Once you have used this property, it can’t be used again until the next dawn.

One more magic item converted from the 2e Encyclopedia Magica into 5e. This one feels like it was made for a very specific campaign, but still has plenty of function nonetheless as some AoE crowd control.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Encyclopedia Magica: Shield Amulet



Wondrous Item, Uncommon (requires attunement)

Aura: Minor Abjuration

This small amulet of carved stone has three charges. While wearing it, whenever you are hit by an attack or targeted by the magic missile spell you can use your reaction and expend 1 charge and cast the shield spell. The amulet regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn.

One more magic item converted from the 2e Encyclopedia Dramatica into 5e. This one is fairly simple, taking one of the most popular defensive spells and turning it into an amulet available for everyone.

Monday, May 15, 2023

Encyclopedia Magica: Shell of Protection from Sharks


Shell of Protection from Sharks

Wondrous Item, Common

Aura: Faint Abjuration 

While you wear this beautifully polished seashell amulet, sharks with a Challenge Rating less than your level within 10 feet of you are frightened of you.  If you attack a shark, the amulet ceases to function for 1 hour.

One more item converted from the 2e Encyclopedia Magica into 5e. And, uhh, yeah. This exists. Shark repellant for whoever needs it.. Second editions sure was full of oddly specific magic items.

Friday, May 12, 2023

Encyclopedia Magica: Shakti Amulet


Shakti Amulet

Wondrous Item, Very Rare (requires attunement)

Aura: Strong Abjuration and Evocation 

So long as you carry this amulet, you can cast mage armor at will, with no material components required. In addition, you can use a bonus action and speak a command word to summon a sword in each hand, which crackle with electrical discharges. These magic swords count as simple melee weapons with which you are proficient. They deal 2d6 lightning damage on a hit and have the finesse, light and thrown properties (range 20/60).

If you drop one of these swords or throw it, it bursts into a shower of harmless sparks at the end of the turn.

One more item converted from the 2e Encyclopedia Magica into 5e. This is one I find particularly nifty, or at least really visually cool when you can whip out a pair of lightning swords on command.

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Encyclopedia Magica: Amulet of Recall


Amulet of Recall

Wondrous Item, Very Rare (requires attunement)

Aura: Strong Conjuration 

While you wear this amulet,  you can use an action to cast the word of recall spell. Once you have used this property, it can’t be used again until the next dawn.

One more item converted from the 2e Encyclopedia Magica into 5e. Short, sweet and to the point, granting you access to a 6th level spell to nope right on out of a sticky situation.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Encyclopedia Magica: Amulet of Psychic Protection


Amulet of Psychic Protection

Wondrous Item, Rare (requires attunement)

Aura: Moderate Abjuration

While wearing this amulet you have advantage on Intelligence saving throws and resistance to psychic damage.

Another magic item from the 2e Encyclopedia Magica converted to 5e. Short, sweet and to the point- a bonus to the ability save most often used to see through illusions as well as an uncommon resistance for those bear totem barbarians I suppose.

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Encyclopedia Magica: Amulet of Protection from Turning

Amulet of Protection from Turning

Wondrous Item, Rare (requires attunement)

Aura: Moderate Abjuration

While you wear this amulet of silver and turquoise, you have advantage on saving throws against effects that turn undead. If you fail a saving throw against such an effect, you can choose to succeed instead. You can do so three times, and expended uses recharge daily at dawn. 

Each time an effect that turns undead is used against you, the amulet glows with silvery blue light for a few seconds.

One more item converted from the 2e Encyclopedia Magica into 5e. This one might seem familiar, since it already exists in the Tales from the Yawning Portal book. Here, it mostly just gets an aura as well.

Encyclopedia Magica: Amulet of Psionic Reflection


Amulet of Psionic Reflection

Wondrous Item, Uncommon (requires attunement)

Aura: Minor Abjuration

Created by the githyanki to combat their hated foes during an ancient war, these amulets are meant to turn the powers of illithids back against them. Whenever a creature uses a Psionic Blast against you (such as those employed by mind flayers), you automatically succeed on your saving throw. In addition, the psychic energy is reflected back at the creature that unleashed it, who must make a saving throw against their own Psionic Blast, suffering its regular effects on a failed save.

 If you attempt to use a Psionic Blast while wearing the amulet, the ability automatically fails and you take 5d10 psychic damage.

Another magic item from the 2e Encyclopedia Magica converted to 5e. This one is super niche, pretty much tailor made for some big gith-mindflayer conflict, with your party right in the middle of it.

Friday, May 5, 2023

Encyclopedia Magica: Amulet of Protection from Good


Amulet of Protection From Good

Wondrous Item, Uncommon (requires attunement by a cleric or paladin of evil alignment)

Aura: Minor Abjuration

This amulet, shaped like a distorted skull, was designed for the temple guards and priests of evil deities. This amulet can be used as a holy symbol for your spells and provides +1 to your AC. In addition, so long as you are attacking a creature of good alignment, you have a +1 bonus to your attack rolls.

Another item from the 2e Encyclopedia Magica converted into 5e. A bit of a relic from older editions in that it cares about everyone's alignment, but this is the way. It is most likely going to be more useful for enemy NPCs to use than for the party, but if you want to run an evil campaign I'm not one to judge.

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Encyclopedia Magica: Amulet of Protection from Alignment Change

Amulet of Protection from Alignment Change

Wondrous Item, Uncommon  (requires attunement)

Aura: Minor Abjuration

This magical talisman has a ruby as its centerpiece. While wearing this amulet, you are protected from spells, items and magical effects that would alter your alignment.

One more item converted from the old 2e Encyclopedia Magica into 5e. This one is from back in the days when alignment was more of a tangible force and a lot of abilities and spells interacted directly with alignment. Though it isn't as much of a mechanical consideration in 5e, there are a couple thing here and there that pop up, and I still wanted to include this for those DMs who still want it to be relevant.

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Encyclopedia Magica: Amulet of Protection


Amulet of Protection

Wondrous Item, rarity varies (requires attunement)

Aura: varies

While wearing this amulet, you gain a bonus to your AC, depending on the rarity of the amulet from the table below.





Minor Transmutation



Moderate Transmutation



Strong Transmutation

Very Rare

Another item from the old 2e Encyclopedia Magica converted to 5e. While this one might not be the flashiest of items, it is still solid- since who doesn't like flat AC bonuses? It also comes with different power levels for different tiers or play.