Wednesday, August 23, 2023

DnD 3.5 to 5e Monster Conversions: Trumpet Archon


Appearing as a green, winged elf of supernatural goodness and beauty, the creature raises a massive silver trumpet and sounds a blast of piercing, soul wrenching music. 
- Dungeons and Dragons v3.5 Monster Manual

Still in Archon territory, the trumpet archons are known as celestial messengers and heralds of Celestia. Though they prefer not to engage in direct combat, they are still powerful warriors who are not to be trifled with. Their silver trumpets are one of their most prized belongings, which they sound while entering the fray to break their enemies morale. Should they die or their trumpet be stolen, it loses all magical properties and becomes nothing more than a useless hunk of metal until its owner or one of their companions can retrieve it and visit divine retribution upon those who would steal from the archons.

     Art is by Wizards of the Coast. 

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