Cartographer’s Amulet
Wondrous Item, Rare (requires attunement)
Aura: Moderate Divination
This amulet is carved from a large, flawless jacinth and cut into a lens-shaped disc with a platinum setting and chain. The amulet has 3 charges, and it regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn. Holding the amulet in your hand and speaking a command word, you can direct it to display an illusory scale map of your surroundings, with a glowing rune indicating the direction of true North. The area displayed by the illusory map shows how the area would look with normal vision in daylight. When you use this feature, you can indicate whether the map is a small or large area. The illusory map lasts for 1 hour, or until you dismiss it as an action.
A small area shows a detailed map of everything within a 60 foot radius of where the amulet was activated. Everything, including passages, stairways, doors, as well as any objects are displayed in the exact positions they were located when the command word was spoken. The amulet does not show creatures, nor does it reveal traps or secret doors (though a passage with no doors leading to it might imply a secret door somewhere).
A large area shows a general map of everything within a 10-mile radius of where the amulet was activated. The map shows large geographical features, such as rivers, bridges and hills, as well as buildings. The map does not show any creatures or objects smaller than a house.