Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Encyclopedia Magica: Hardwater Amulet


Hardwater Amulet

Wondrous Item, Rare (Requires Attunement)

Aura: Moderate Transmutation

This starburst amulet made of clear crystal, when activated, can harden the surface of liquid surfaces. While you wear it, you can move across any such surfaces- such as water, acid, mud, snow, quicksand, or lava- as if it were harmless solid ground (crossing molten lava can still cause damage from the heat). If you are submerged in a liquid, you are carried to the surface at the rate of 60 feet per round.  You can deactivate or reactivate this effect at any time as a bonus action.

Hardwater Bolt. While wearing the amulet, you can launch bolts of hardened liquid as projectiles so long as a source of liquid of at least 1 gallon  is within 10 feet of you. These bolts count as simple ranged weapons with which you are proficient (range 60/180) and deal 2d8 bludgeoning damage on a hit.

One more magic item converted from the 2e Encyclopedia Magica into 5e. For those who really like being able to use the water walk spell at will and occasionally smack a baddie with some waterbending nonsense now and again.

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