Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Encyclopedia Magica: Amulet of Power


Amulet of Power

Wondrous Item, Legendary (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

Aura: Very Strong, all schools

This amulet greatly boosts the capabilities of spellcasters, though it takes a long time to properly attune to it. You must be attuned to the amulet for 30 consecutive days before gaining any benefit from it. Once these 30 days have passed, you gain one additional spell slot for each spell level you currently have spell slots for so long as you continue to wear the amulet.

Another item from the 2e Encyclopedia Magica converted to 5e. This one is extremely powerful for spellcasters (the Legendary part probably gave it away), so a heavy dose of caution is advised before giving it away to any old PC.

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