Wednesday, August 30, 2023

DnD Magic Item Conversions: A Bear and a Vending Machine


Arabel's Huggable Bear

Wondrous Item, Very Rare (requires attunement)

Aura: Strong Abjuration

This huggable, lovable stuffed magical bear is made of white ermine. It sports an onyx nose, sapphire eyes and is stuffed with owlbear down. If you fall asleep while within 5 feet of this bear, it creates a 10-foot radius sphere of protection centered on itself. Each sleeping creature in this area automatically succeeds on any Charisma, Intelligence or Wisdom saving throws it makes, and it prevents those creatures from having bad dreams.

When a creature spends at least 4 hours sleeping in the area as part of a long rest, it regains all of its spent hit dice at the completion of that rest instead of half. 

Ardraken's Refreshment Simulacrum

Wondrous Item, Legendary

Aura: Very Strong Conjuration and Transmutation

This strange item was created by a wizard after he encountered a similar object while adventuring in another dimension. It appears to be a rectangular box, approximately the same size as a medium creature and colored in blue, red and white patterns. It has a single slot, large enough to fit most kinds of coinage and small gems into it. The slot deposits the payment within an extra-dimensional space that only the Simulacrum can access.

If a creature deposits at least two silver into the slot, a moment later a hidden compartment opens, containing a liquid-filled glass bottle. Normally, the bottle is filled with a refreshing, nonmagical elixir. However, if a creature deposits at least 500 gp into the slot, roll a d100 to determine what the bottle contains.

D100 | elixir

1-25 | A refreshing, nonmagical elixir. 

26-50 | A potion of healing or one other common potion.

51-75 | A potion of greater healing or one other uncommon potion.

76-90 | A potion of superior healing or one other rare potion.

91-99 | A potion of supreme healing or one other very rare potion.

100 | A legendary potion.

The simulacrum can automatically detect if fake or illusory currency is being given to it. If the simulacrum is threatened, or detects any attempts to cheat it, the simulacrum dispenses a glass bottle filled with a bright green potion. The bottle immediately shatters, spraying its contents in a 15 foot-radius sphere centered on the simulacrum. Each creature and each object not being worn or carried in the area other than the simulacrum must make a DC18 Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 8d6 acid damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Replication. When the simulacrum has accumulated 50,000 gp worth of coinage and gems in its extra-dimensional storage space, everything in the space is consumed and a second simulacrum appears in the nearest unoccupied space to the first simulacrum. The second simulacrum is identical in every way to the first, with one exception: when the second simulacrum is first created, the DM rolls a d20. On a 1, the second simulacrum is neutral evil instead of neutral good. Whenever the evil simulacrum dispenses a refreshment, there is a 50% chance it is actually poison, and any creature that drinks it must make a DC18 constitution saving throw. A creature takes 4d8 poison damage and is poisoned for 1 hour on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Sentience. Ardraken’s Refreshment Simulacrum is a neutral good magic item with an Intelligence of 10, a Wisdom of 10, and a Charisma of 14. It has hearing and darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. The simulacrum can speak, read, and understand common, and it communicates in a friendly, robotic voice. It does not speak often, typically not beyond offering creatures refreshment and directing them where to deposit payment.

Personality. Adraken’s Refreshment Simulacrum was created to provide refreshment to anyone who can pay for it. It desires both to fulfill this primary purpose but also to accumulate enough wealth to replicate itself. To that end, it will sometimes offer discounts or free drinks to adventurers willing to help the simulacrum position itself in locations with large populations.

Here are some more magic items converted from the Dungeons and Dragons 2e Encyclopedia Magica into 5e and published on the DMsGuild under Artifacts of Antiquity Volume 2. Here's a couple of odd ones: a special teddy bear that protects you from spooky dream magic and an actual sentient vending machine that just wants to provide refreshing beverages and make more copies of itself.

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