Saturday, September 2, 2023

DnD 3.5 to 5e Monster Conversions: Arrowhawk


The creature has a sinuous, snakelike body with a long neck and tail. Two pairs of feathered wings extend from the body, one on the top and another on the bottom. Most of the body is covered with iridescent blue scales, with tufts of yellow feathers at the base of the neck and the tail. The head has a black, toothed beak and four eyes, one pair above the beak and the other below. 
- Dungeons and Dragons v3.5 Monster Manual

These creatures are predatory scavengers native of the elemental plane of air, where they spend their entire lives in flight. They are extremely territorial and always hungry, attacking almost any other creature they encounter with razor sharp beaks and bolts of electricity.

     Art is by Wizards of the Coast. 

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